The Hunstock Hills Program is for residents of the neighborhood Hunstock Hills only. This program is a beta designed to give the residents of Hunstock Hills a unique opportunity to receive bi-weekly trimming/weed eating services at a low standard rate. In order for this beta to be successful we must have 25 residents signed up by March 1st. To sign up please fill out the form below.
More Info
Payment for the Hunstock Hills Program will only be available through credit cards. The bi-weekly rate for this beta program is $25 per trim per property.
This beta program will run from February 20th through April 17th.
In order for this beta to be successful, we must have 25 residents signed up by March 1st.
Services will be performed bi-weekly on Thursdays. If an area was missed, you can contact us for correction. If that area was blocked we will not trim it until the next service.
We will charge your credit card $25 immediately after the service is complete.
Services cannot be skipped. By signing up, you are signing up for services on Feb 20th, Mar 6th, Mar 20th, Apr 3rd, and Apr 17th.
Trimming services will not be skipped due to weather and cannot be rescheduled. If you skip a service, your credit card will still be charged the minimum $25.
The Hunstock Hills Program only includes trimming. The following services may be added on:
-Blowing off concrete surfaces $20
-Edging $20
-Mowing (no standard rate reach out for quote)
If you would like to add any of these services to your trimming package, select the box for the service(s) you want to add on when registering.
For further information please contact